Today I got the news that I won Michael Port's contest to come up with the subtitle for his new book!
Here is what the new book cover looks like!
(due in May '09)
"Think you can't change the world? Think again." is what I submitted. Michael changed "the world" to "your life."
Here is an excerpt of the note I got back from Michael after winning:
"Thank you so much for the HUGE value you added to this project.
You really helped pull the title together.
The book will be released in May. Thanks again Isaac.
You did a great thing." mp
I first heard of Michael Port last summer when I picked up the audio version of his book, "Book Yourself Solid." (I've listened to it repeatedly and it's still a selection on my iPOD.) While listening to Michael talk about his "velvet rope policy" for working with ideal clients, and providing value by going the extra mile, I became energized and started seriously considering starting my own consulting business to help business owners maximize their promotional efforts. I got the needed encouragement through his book to venture out.
Little did I know then ... that I would provide Michael Port with the subtitle for his new book!
Isn't it interesting how life gives us a glimpse of the life of our dreams when we dare to ACT on our dreams?
You see, while being inspired, I've still had doubts. This last year I had gone back to my old "reality" that says "got to get a hourly job doing something I don't like, working for someone I don't care about."
I just couldn't accept going back to my "old" way of thinking. It was a struggle.
When Michael announced on Facebook that he was offering to pay $1000 to the person that helped come up with the subtitle for his upcoming book, "The Think Big Manifesto," I saw a chance to give back to Michael, and to leave my old thinking behind.
Brainstorming subtitle ideas put me back into action mode. It gave me a clearer picture of my purpose. I was working in my strengths and I was energized. I started to believe again in the creative part of me that I've denied for most of my life. The part that desires to help make the lives of others better, fuller and richer.
It was a real joy to submit my ideas and bring value to the message Michael is sharing. Enriching Michael Port's life and the lives of others with my ideas is doing something that I'm here on this earth for and I couldn't be happier.
Winning the contest is just the icing on the cake! :)
If you are like me and are interested in changing your life, start THINKING and dreaming BIG!
If you are stuck and needing some inspiration, feel free to contact me.
For more info Michael Port is you can go to his website
http://www.michaelport.com/ or click on the title of this post. You can also find us both on Facebook.