Thursday, December 21, 2006

A Willow St. Christmas!

December 21, 06

I'm posting to day from Willow St. PA. After a cross country trip on planes, trains, and automobiles, we arrived at the folks Willow St. homestead. My brothers, with their wives and children are converging in from their various locals. A few members are still slated to arrive in the next day or two. As expected the year or two we have spent apart is bridged with ease. What a blast to catch up with each other!

I am blessed beyond measure to be one of a many brothers and two sisters. 10 is such a great number! Thanks mom and dad!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Is your life a Gift?

It's been a month since I last wrote. Time marches on.

What have I been doing in the between time? Switching places of employment, playing around with my new web cam that my wife bought me. It's really fun to play around with. I'm planning to post a video or two here but I haven't taken the time to go through the full tutorial yet.

I watched "The Devil Wears Prada" staring Meryl Streep & Anne Hathaway last night and the story really made me think about my own journey and where I am. I'm working to pay the bills not doing the job I love. I think this blog is about searching for what that ideal job is for me. The job I'm put here on this earth for. and Since I haven't found what I'm looking for yet, I'll keep searching.

Speaking of searching.... We had a friend stay with us who is moving to Colorado and she has invited us to stay with her. To check out relocating there to live. My wife and I agree it might be a great place to live. It would be next spring. and what would I do there? Massage Therapy seems to keep coming up. It is calling out to me. But my rational mind says I can't raise a family on it, can't afford the schooling, etc...

Any massage therapists out there that can give me advice? I think I need to get out of my comfort zone and face my fears! Kind of risky Yikes!

I just spent a couple hours chatting with one of my brothers. check him out at He rocks!

What are we here on this earth for? To share the Gift inside us with others as a blessing.

Websters dictionary says this: regarding the word GIFT.
WHAT IS YOUR GIFT? and does it bless others?

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Life & Death

I just now returned from the memorial service for a dear friend. Mary Beth Coe lived a well-lived life. Cancer was the final medical reason for her passing into Glory, but it was God who numbered her days just like He does for everyone under this sun. The church was packed to pay tribute to Mary Beth and the love of God shown through her. By opening their lives and home to us, Mary Beth and her husband Doug have touched my wife and I deeply.

During the reception after the moving memorial service, I was standing with Doug and he made a comment that has stuck with me that I'd like to share with you. He said. "It is such a weird feeling to see all these people from different times in of Mary Beth's life and realize that I know them all but they don't know each other"

What would it be like to introduce all your friends to each other?

We touch a lot of people in our lives and they branch out into all areas of our lives, to have them all present when we die is an amazing thing. To have them congregate and connect to each other while we are alive would be something wild! I imagine it is what heaven is going to be like!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Possibilities and Fears

What a difference a few weeks makes. Now that I'm committed to this journey a world a possibilities and options has opened up. Stepping out of the comfort zone is both exciting and risky. Exciting.

People come out of the woodwork to help or hinder your new ideas. Getting wise counsel is important but eventually you and me are the only ones that can take the steps to get us where we need to go.

Today I'm going through a series on identifying my dream. It is called the Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson and has been very helpful. I can see the steps and sign posts along my path more clearly than ever before.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Who I am... to who I will become

A man of character. that is the question I am pondering today. What is it? and is it important? Is it following through on a commitment when you are the only person who witnesses your actions?
Is it speaking what you know to be true, real and constant with your belief? Is it diligence in the face of opposition? Is it patience during suffering?

These are all but lofty notions, high ideals I hope to reach ; for I start this journey with a napsack filled of fears.

The witnessor of my life, or otherwise called my wife, caught me speak a lie but two days back and sorely grieved was she. I too was vexed and sadened by my utterance.
After which She lovingly took my hand and said "Let's walk and talk this out."

The crisp night air cleared my head and my heart (the knapsack if you will) xposed it's content. Out poured a lifetime of hurt and others I've strived to please, placate and sooth; All for fear of not being liked or part of the group or... loved.

So there it is... I found at root of my knapsack and the lie- Fear

How does one banish FEAR?

I know it has been said LOVE is the answer so I will seek it.

I'm on the road to character

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

To Comunicate

Communicating with the ones you love is key on any journey. Yesterday I comunicated with a few famlily members and two good friends. Our discussions centered around the issue of work and it's role in our lives and it's correlation to our spiritual lives. Having parents whose work is wrapped up with thier spiritual/ religious practice and calling, is causing me to look again at my spiritual quest and the connection to the "job" I currenly have and the search for a job that is more in line with my beliefs.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Starting out

My quest has begun. I tonight I'm off to see the shrink and then to think, to wade through all that has brought me to this point and then ... I hope to take the road less traveled.