Tuesday, September 30, 2008

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Collaborating with Michael Port

Today I got the news that I won Michael Port's contest to come up with the subtitle for his new book!

Here is what the new book cover looks like!
(due in May '09)
"Think you can't change the world? Think again." is what I submitted. Michael changed "the world" to "your life."

Here is an excerpt of the note I got back from Michael after winning:

"Thank you so much for the HUGE value you added to this project.

You really helped pull the title together.

The book will be released in May. Thanks again Isaac.

You did a great thing." mp

I first heard of Michael Port last summer when I picked up the audio version of his book, "Book Yourself Solid." (I've listened to it repeatedly and it's still a selection on my iPOD.) While listening to Michael talk about his "velvet rope policy" for working with ideal clients, and providing value by going the extra mile, I became energized and started seriously considering starting my own consulting business to help business owners maximize their promotional efforts. I got the needed encouragement through his book to venture out.
Little did I know then ... that I would provide Michael Port with the subtitle for his new book!

Isn't it interesting how life gives us a glimpse of the life of our dreams when we dare to ACT on our dreams?
You see, while being inspired, I've still had doubts. This last year I had gone back to my old "reality" that says "got to get a hourly job doing something I don't like, working for someone I don't care about."

I just couldn't accept going back to my "old" way of thinking. It was a struggle.

When Michael announced on Facebook that he was offering to pay $1000 to the person that helped come up with the subtitle for his upcoming book, "The Think Big Manifesto," I saw a chance to give back to Michael, and to leave my old thinking behind.

Brainstorming subtitle ideas put me back into action mode. It gave me a clearer picture of my purpose. I was working in my strengths and I was energized. I started to believe again in the creative part of me that I've denied for most of my life. The part that desires to help make the lives of others better, fuller and richer.

It was a real joy to submit my ideas and bring value to the message Michael is sharing. Enriching Michael Port's life and the lives of others with my ideas is doing something that I'm here on this earth for and I couldn't be happier.

Winning the contest is just the icing on the cake! :)
If you are like me and are interested in changing your life, start THINKING and dreaming BIG!

If you are stuck and needing some inspiration, feel free to contact me.

For more info Michael Port is you can go to his website http://www.michaelport.com/ or click on the title of this post. You can also find us both on Facebook.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Day of Rememberance

It was twelve and seven years ago today that my world was altered. A brother and an uncle moved on to life beyond this mortal coil. The space they left will always ache until we are reunited. I've spent some time reflecting on their lives and the words I wrote last year on this date to commemorate them still hold true.

Last year I wrote:

Today, September 11th marks the departure from this world of two of my favorite people. My brother Thaddeus and my uncle Jonathan, two great souls who lived life with passion and hearts open to God. I shall never forget the friendship we shared. My memories are a mix of joy and sorrow. and I marvel at the depth to which I've been touched from having known them. Time, and the years that have passed since their departing has faded some memories and magnified other memories (the jolly and the not so jolly are affected) . If you had the good fortune to know either of them you know of which I speak for you have some memories of them too. My brother Thaddeus died on September 11 , 1996. My uncle Jonathan died on September 11, 2001

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Reflections on the Prodigal Son

Have you ever looked at the story of the the prodigal son - beyond the typical Sunday School version? Today I got a new glimpse into its significant meaning.

Jesus is talking about my Creator's love for me. He is describing how God longs for relationship and goes beyond what I expect.

In the parable, the father's love forgives and restores without reservation. Do you think he would not have accepted his son if his son had not repented? I don't see that in the text. I read that "while the son was still a long way off the father, [motivated by a compassionate heart] ran to meet his son, hugged and kissed him." All this was done before the son could open his mouth to say anything ... anything.

Do I really believe the creator of my body and soul loves me like that? I would like to say so, but honestly, I'm not sure. You see, it seems so unconditional and irrational. The son squandered everything and made a total mess. Yet his father cleaned and dressed him up, put a ring on his finger, shoes on his feet, and threw a huge party for him, restoring him completely.

Love like that sounds good, but how many of us have experienced it? How many times were you and I told that we needed to shape up to get something as a kid? Or taught by teachers and bosses to seek acceptance through our performances?

Are we still striving for acceptance and approval? Doesn't life teach us that works = worth or that performance = value?

Jesus was saying something totally different. Rereading this Parable of Jesus (found in Luke 15:11-24) has rocked my world and challenged my belief to it's core.

Take another look. Read it for yourself. Let it rock your world.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Getting up early for The Nielson Challenge

I rolled out of bed early this morning - on a Saturday! - to head downtown to participate in The Nielson Challenge.  It's a two-mile course sponsored monthly by our local running club, Pikes Peak Road Runners, that is free to the public. The race was established to promote running and help novice runners like me improve our times.  

My wife has really caught the running bug over the summer and has got me running as well ... however, I must confess that my competitive side is what got me up this morning! I couldn't let my wife go and not know how my time compares to hers. So out of bed early it was.

We reached the park at 7:15 a.m. and checked in. We got our numbers and went back up to the car to keep warm and wait for the start which was at 8 a.m. It was quite chilly this morning. At ten minutes to eight, we jogged over to the start and did a few stretches with the other people running around and warming up; a good crowd of runners were milling about. I'd say that there were probably fifty or sixty on hand for the start.

The organizers gave us instructions regarding the course and at ten past eight the "gun" was sounded. Being the cocky novice, of course, I was at the front and took off with the leaders. I was swept up with the thrill of the moment. Here I was in my first official race! It didn't matter that it had been over two weeks since my last jog around the neighborhood. For the first sixty seconds I was feeling pretty good ... then I began to suck air. People began to pass me; first a little kid, then some women. I decided that I needed to cut back on my pace (despite my pride) and start breathing through my nose if I was going to make it.

Two minutes into the race my calves started to tighten up, and just when I thought about slowing even further I saw the first couple of runners passing me going the other way! This meant that the turnaround (1/2 mile) must be close ... I just had to make it there. I reached the marker and as I turned, a couple of bystanders encouraged my efforts. I started to believe. Plus, there was this young teenager in front of me in a red jumpsuit that I couldn't let out of my reach, which meant I had to keep up the pace. The next half-mile I continued to struggle but eventually found a rhythm in my breathing. One mile done!

Then the course headed into a shady area and a breeze picked up. I got a little chilled. Thinking about the cold made my mind start to wander and my breathing and rhythm got off track. The kid ahead of me began to pull away. As I tried to keep up, a pain shot into in my ribcage. I had a stitch. I wasn't getting enough oxygen to my lungs. I let the boy go and determined to keep my arms and legs pumping. I was not going to walk! At one and a half miles a few more women passed me. It was OK. All I could think about was finishing. Soon my breathing returned to normal and I began to feel better. I envisioned the finish and before I knew it I could see the clock. Racing toward it, a feeling of exhilaration coursed through me as I crossed the finish line. I had done it! 

I felt really good. Yes, it was worth getting up early. I stuck around to find out my time. I'd finished in 17:08. My personal best, averaging 8:34 a mile! My wife was about a minute behind me.

Now I think I really have caught the running bug ... I'm going to have to do better next month when the Nielson Challenge comes around again!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Replacing Lost Things

After turning my things upside down looking for my lost ID the last couple of days, I decided to bite the bullet and make a trip to the local Department Of Revenue to get it replaced.

I walked in the DOR and 4 & 1/2 hours later walked back out with a piece of paper that assures me that for my time and money ($14.00), I will receive by mail, the official laminated card with my picture on it within the next 30 days! I must admit that I did get to pass the time multi-tasking, I read a great sales book, studied and took the written test to remove the air-brake restriction from my current license. I did find out that I'll have to take another general written driving test and a behind the wheel driving test if I want to add the passed air break test to my current license. so it looks like the DOR will be getting more moolah if I get a job that requires a passed air brake test as a driving condition!!

By the way I still find myself looking in vain for my lost ID in places that are illogical, go figure!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Searching for what is Lost

Have you ever lost something that is extremely important or dear to your heart? What do you do about it? How do you go about finding it?

I recently lost or miss-placed my drivers license, I think it's kind of crucial to getting around. So what have I done?

1) I thought back to the last place I remember having it and retraced my steps.

2) looked in all the logical places as I retraced my steps.

3)As my anxiety grew I began to look in illogical places that I knew it could not be but was hoping by some miracle it would be.

4) I left no corner unreached.

My actions got me thinking. My mind and actions become illogical at times of high stress and anxiety, my emotions get the better of me and the the dersire to find what was lost drives me to extremes. I begin looking vainly in places that don't make sense. Some times I look in illogical places first and then in the logical ones. Why is this?

Emotion once riled up creates impulsive and at times irrational actions. i.e. the ID could not be in pants that havn't been worn in months, or in a jacket that I havn't worn since before I lost the ID. yet that is where I looked and searched. The result was waisted time and effort.

The frantic nature of my search as subusided because I've got some new information. It has changed the nature of my search and almost brought it to an end.

The drive to find the ID is still there but once I found out that I can get a replacement for a nominal fee at the DMV my axiety has been replaced with peace.

With my new peace of mind I can see that I have acted rashly and illogically at times in my search for the ID. And it makes me wonder how I have gone about other quests for things in my life.

Am I living my life from a place of anxiety and fear or am I living from a place of deep seated peace? I must comfess that it seems most of the time I have lived out of the former and found myself acting and pursuing things that are illogical and empty, fools gold. Yet the times when I am living from a place of peace, my steps are ordered and clarity moves me in the direction of my dreams.

So what have I learned? when I find myself being axious I need to :

1) take the time to catch my breath and return to peace.

2) then and only then resume or

3) redirect my efforts based on that peace.

Now it's time for me to practice this! I hope you will to!