Thursday, September 04, 2008

Searching for what is Lost

Have you ever lost something that is extremely important or dear to your heart? What do you do about it? How do you go about finding it?

I recently lost or miss-placed my drivers license, I think it's kind of crucial to getting around. So what have I done?

1) I thought back to the last place I remember having it and retraced my steps.

2) looked in all the logical places as I retraced my steps.

3)As my anxiety grew I began to look in illogical places that I knew it could not be but was hoping by some miracle it would be.

4) I left no corner unreached.

My actions got me thinking. My mind and actions become illogical at times of high stress and anxiety, my emotions get the better of me and the the dersire to find what was lost drives me to extremes. I begin looking vainly in places that don't make sense. Some times I look in illogical places first and then in the logical ones. Why is this?

Emotion once riled up creates impulsive and at times irrational actions. i.e. the ID could not be in pants that havn't been worn in months, or in a jacket that I havn't worn since before I lost the ID. yet that is where I looked and searched. The result was waisted time and effort.

The frantic nature of my search as subusided because I've got some new information. It has changed the nature of my search and almost brought it to an end.

The drive to find the ID is still there but once I found out that I can get a replacement for a nominal fee at the DMV my axiety has been replaced with peace.

With my new peace of mind I can see that I have acted rashly and illogically at times in my search for the ID. And it makes me wonder how I have gone about other quests for things in my life.

Am I living my life from a place of anxiety and fear or am I living from a place of deep seated peace? I must comfess that it seems most of the time I have lived out of the former and found myself acting and pursuing things that are illogical and empty, fools gold. Yet the times when I am living from a place of peace, my steps are ordered and clarity moves me in the direction of my dreams.

So what have I learned? when I find myself being axious I need to :

1) take the time to catch my breath and return to peace.

2) then and only then resume or

3) redirect my efforts based on that peace.

Now it's time for me to practice this! I hope you will to!

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