Sunday, September 07, 2008

Reflections on the Prodigal Son

Have you ever looked at the story of the the prodigal son - beyond the typical Sunday School version? Today I got a new glimpse into its significant meaning.

Jesus is talking about my Creator's love for me. He is describing how God longs for relationship and goes beyond what I expect.

In the parable, the father's love forgives and restores without reservation. Do you think he would not have accepted his son if his son had not repented? I don't see that in the text. I read that "while the son was still a long way off the father, [motivated by a compassionate heart] ran to meet his son, hugged and kissed him." All this was done before the son could open his mouth to say anything ... anything.

Do I really believe the creator of my body and soul loves me like that? I would like to say so, but honestly, I'm not sure. You see, it seems so unconditional and irrational. The son squandered everything and made a total mess. Yet his father cleaned and dressed him up, put a ring on his finger, shoes on his feet, and threw a huge party for him, restoring him completely.

Love like that sounds good, but how many of us have experienced it? How many times were you and I told that we needed to shape up to get something as a kid? Or taught by teachers and bosses to seek acceptance through our performances?

Are we still striving for acceptance and approval? Doesn't life teach us that works = worth or that performance = value?

Jesus was saying something totally different. Rereading this Parable of Jesus (found in Luke 15:11-24) has rocked my world and challenged my belief to it's core.

Take another look. Read it for yourself. Let it rock your world.

1 comment:

John Schaefer said...

Nice blog, and this is a really great post. Thank you sir!