Monday, March 26, 2007

A new job

Today I started a new job. I'm training this week with a limo company. so far it's been great. I'll be riding along with a few other drivers for the next couple of days and then I'll be on my own routes soon. Maybe by Thursday. I'm also contemplating subbing for the local school district until my hours pick up.

I love driving!! I'll see if I love it after doing it for a full time job. Just got to wait and see.

One of my best friends spent Saturday and part of Sunday with me. It is amazing how as much as things change yet how similar they tend to stay. 12 years of friendship and here we are still discussing and philosophizing like the college days of old. more world weary and a little slower (a few creaky bones) but still dreaming nonetheless!

Staying up till 2am ain't what it used to be the next morning. Longer it takes now to recoup!

my mind is still and I hope always is youthful and inquisitive.

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