Saturday, October 18, 2008

What have I done?

What have I done??? This question can be answered allot of different ways or taken in allot of different directions. It all depends on where you place the emphasis. for example:

WHAT have I done?

What HAVE I done?

What have "I" done?

What have I DONE!

Each have a different meaning depending on the emphasis and tone. The context in which the statement is uttered also has a significant impact on the meaning. Change the word "I" to "you" and a whole new complex set of meanings arise.

Communicating accurately and effectively is an intricate business. In the heat of passion or stress it is easy to miss communicate with the ones most dear to us and it's easy to miss read signals by those trying to communicate with us.

I tend to speak before I think and that tends to get me into trouble. I am working on thinking before I speak so that what I say will be clearly understood by those listening.

What do you think?
I challenge you to give your communication style a second thought!

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