Saturday, August 29, 2009

Geting back on the horse

The last six months have involved some huge changes for me. I went from a married man to who I thought was the love of my life to a single man again. 8 years spent learning and growing with a really great woman came to an end.

My life looks comepletely different than I had ever anticipated 6 months ago. The questions I've kept asking myself revolve around what I've learned and look at what the future holds for me.

The reality is there are times are things that break up relationships. It is just part of life and I think I've come away a wiser and open person for walking down this road which was unforseen or willingly chosen. I've learned that life is not esaily layed out neatly before us. We tend to get caught up with how we expect life to be and what it will look like and how it "should" work. The more I've seen and experienced life ...I can say that the more I know the more I have to learn.

Things that I took for granted before I don't anymore. Judgements and boxes I had put other people in to make "sense" of life are not there anymore. I have made my share of mistakes in my past relationships including my recently deceased marriage. So the question is what do I do now? Take what I've learned about myself and how I act and interact with those I love and build the life I aspire to.

As this past chapter has ended a new one is beginning. I'm still on the quest for a full life.

It is better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all. it ain't easy though.

if you are interested in a couple of the lessons surely this past 6 months has taught me, check out my other blog

I'm in a place where I've found my voice again and will be writing more often.

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